Our tenancy team take part in Crucial Crew | Latest news

Our tenancy team take part in Crucial Crew

Our tenancy team are hosting interactive sessions at Brio Leisure in Northwich as part of Crucial Crew.

Crucial Crew is a multi-agency event organised through schools, by the police and supported by the fire service. It aims to raise awareness of safety issues to school children in Year 6 (aged 10-11). The event takes the form of a range of 20-minute interactive scenarios which cover a wide range of topics, each educating the students in a specific risk.

The talks at Brio are delivered by various organisations such as Cheshire Police, Cheshire Fire, Dogs Trust and our own tenancy team. 

Our talks are being led by Kevin Hanson, Tenancy Team Lead at the Trust, and focus on Anti-Social Behaviour and how it negatively impacts the community.

You can find out more about we do to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour by visiting: www.wvht.co.uk/anti-social-behaviour

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