Hate Crime

Hate crime is defined as any incident, which may or may not constitute a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate based on a person’s race, religion or belief, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity.  

Have you seen or experienced incidents of hate crime or discrimination? Report it to the Police. Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999. You can visit Report hate crime | Cheshire Constabulary to report hate crime online.

If you wish to report a hate crime to the Trust, you can:

Call us on 0300 303 9848
Email us at

Websites and organisations that you may find useful if you have witnessed or been affected by a hate crime:

Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) / Neighbourhood Disputes

We take all reports of ASB seriously and will contact customers to discuss the issue and agree a plan of action going forward. We will also agree how and when we will contact you to update you. Our aim is to resolve disputes as best we can – this may involve getting the two parties to speak to each other, it can involve issuing warnings or it may ultimately result in taking legal action.

The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review

The Anti-social Behaviour Case Review, formally known as the Community Trigger, is a process which allows members of the community to ask the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) to undertake a multi-agency review of the response to complaints of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB).

The review is designed to ensure that the CSP work together to try and resolve repeated reports of ASB, where there has been inappropriate action by partners taken to address it. You can find out more by clicking here . 

What is ASB? 

ASB is acting in a way that causes or is likely to cause alarm or distress to one or more people in another household.  In relation to housing, this can be committed by any member of a household or their visitors either at or near to their property.  It can consist, but is not limited to, acts such as noise nuisance, rowdy or disruptive behaviour and issues with pets.

To report ASB to the Trust you can

What is Crime?

Crime is a deliberate act or failure to act which causes physical or psychological harm, damage or loss of property and is against the law.  Criminal behaviour can include such acts as drug use/dealing, threats/actual occurrences of violence or verbal abuse and harassment.  Crime issues should be reported to the Police – The Trust will support the police in any action they take and will follow up with action against the tenancy following the completion of the police action.

  • To report Crime – Call 999 if there is an immediate threat to life or property, 101 for non-emergencies or via You can also report anonymously to Crimestoppers by clicking here.

What can I do?

We have asked Kevin from our Tenancy team to answer the most common questions about what we can do to help with Anti-Social Behaviour. 

All reports of ASB are strictly confidential. We operate on a "See it, Say It" policy, if you see any ASB in your local area, please report it. 

Examples of Anti-Social Behaviour include:

- Fly-tipping
- Loud pets
- Public drunkenness
- Excessive noise
- Graffiti
- Abusive behaviour

Case Study

With the Trust’s support, Cheshire Police obtained a closure order on a property due to ongoing issues related to Drug activity at a property. The Trust then followed this up to end the tenancy and address the problem in the long term.

You can read about this by visiting: