Get Involved

We want more customers to get involved with us, to volunteer, to help influence and improve our services. Did you know you can volunteer as part of our Customer Assurance Team? 

If you work, are a parent, or carer or have never attended a meeting, we have options that will suit you! Your views are important to us and can be used to make a real difference.

CV&I report

Involvement opportunities include:

  • Be a member of our Customer Assurance Team
  • E-voice tenant surveys  
  • Transactional Customer Satisfaction Surveys   
  • Partake in our STAR Tracker Survey   
  • Procurement Interview Panel customer members   
  • Facebook Tenant group
  • Neighbourhood Walkabouts 

If you have any questions about how you can get involved with us, call or email our Customer Engagement Team on 0300 303 9848 or email to have a chat. 

  • You can read about our four different customer assurance groups below.
  • To read more about getting involved, our handbook  has all the info you need, please click here to read it. 
  • Read our Customer Voice and Influence 2023/24 Annual Report here . This report covers all the work our volunteers have done in the past 12-months and what changes have been made from their work.
  • To view the most recent Annual Customer Voice and Influence report please click here.

The Home Group

This group scrutinises and reviews the services that impact the quality of your home.   

The sorts of things that this group will look at include;

  • Quality of the repairs service we provide, which includes our responsive repairs, emergency repairs and programmable repairs. This group will also look at whether our repairs service provides value for money for customers and how we ensure that our homes meet the 'Decent Homes Standard' as set by Government. 
  • How we improve our homes, which includes kitchens, bathroom, re-wiring and roofing programmes as well as how customers can improve their homes themselves  
  • How we keep our homes, flatted blocks and communal areas safe and ensure we meet all health and safety regulations, for example the safety checks we complete every year in your homes and communal areas around gas, fire, asbestos, water and lifts.  
  • How we manage and repair our empty homes – making sure they are ready for new tenants  
  • What we are doing about meeting climate change targets, for example what work we are completing to improve energy efficiency in the home and the support we provide to customers to help everyone to reduce the amount of energy used in the home 

As a member of the Home Group you could also be participate in interviews with contractors and help make a decision about which companies with deliver services in your home.  

The Neighbourhood Group

This group will scrutinise & review the areas you share with your neighbours and how well we manage our neighbourhoods;

  • Will look how we keep our neighbourhoods safe, clean and well maintained.  What we do to address anti-social behaviour to ensure that our neighbourhoods provide a  safe & secure environment for people to live in.   
  • How we ensure the health and safety of our neighbourhoods in other ways through how we manage our open spaces, trees and play areas, for example how we maintain and inspect tree and play areas to ensure the health and safety of people using our open spaces and pay areas.   
  • Will also look at the grounds maintenance services we provide and how well we do this, along with ensuring all the communal areas in our flatted blocks are clean, safe & well maintained. 

The Tenancy Group

This group will scrutinise & review how we manage our homes and what we do to support people to maintain their tenancy;

  • Will look at how we let and allocate our homes along with how we support customers to complete a mutual exchange and the information we provide to customers about these services. 
  • The services we provide to help people to sustain (keep) their tenancies with the Trust, for example support and well being, money matters, energy advice and employment advice services.  
  • Will look at the types of tenancy agreements we provide and how we well we manage our homes to prevent under and over occupancy.   

The Group will also look at the process of letting our empty homes which includes things like new tenant visits and how people sign up for a new tenancy.  

The Empowerment Group

This Group will scrutinise & review customer services, complaints, customer communications, and involvement – all the services that help to empower customers to tell us when we are doing things well, not so well and ensure all customers have the information they need to understand the Trust’s responsibilities and what your responsibilities are as a customer. 

  • How the Trust tells you about our services and how you can access them.
  • How you can provide feedback through complaints, satisfaction surveys, compliments, customer consultations and customer involvement like being part of one of the four Customer Assurance Team sub groups.  
  • Will look at the feedback received from a range of different ways, complaints and satisfaction surveys, ensuring that the Trust is using the feedback to learn and understand where improvements can be made to make things better.   
  • How well the Trust performs against the new tenant satisfaction measures and how the Trust uses information to understand customer needs to ensure access to services and that all customers are treated fairly.  
  • Ensuring the customer voice influences services through our involvement opportunities such as customer satisfaction feedback and complaints. 
  • Understanding and learning from complaints
  • How better to understand our customer needs, to ensure better access of services